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"Another Day In Paradise!"


 God has brought us back to life together with Christ Jesus and has given us a position in heaven with him. Ephesians 2:6 (GW)


God has said that when the enemy of your soul comes against you, He will step in. When God steps in to help, the enemy has to flee! 


Isaiah 59:19 (AMP)
 So [as the result of the Messiah’s intervention] they shall [reverently] fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight [for He will come like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives].


The word standard is also translated as "banner". The word that it was translated from means a banner or a flag. In battle troops in the past would carry a flag on a pole.  This flag was used to signify territory that was captured.  Another use was when the troops needed to regroup they knew where to go... the rallied around the "lifted banner".


ADIP is a place for men to regroup!  Life can be difficult at times but when you can get the help you need you can succeed. ADIP golf outings is a time to rally around the flag of victory we find in Jesus Christ.


We also rally around the flags on the golf course for a time of refreshing, fun and fellowship!


Just another day in Christ. 

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